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How to Apply for HELB Loan in Kenya

The HELB loans are for students pursuing their studies in Public or Chartered Private Universities within the East African Community, placed either through the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS), Self-sponsored, Parallel and Module II Students studying for a Bachelor’s Degree only. The loan attracts interest of 4% and Kshs. 1,000 ledger per year. When going to apply for HELB loan, students are advised to apply for the loan at least one month before the university opening date to allow ample time for processing.

First Time Application

Note: The number of loans one is eligible for depends on the program duration. For example, one is given loan 4 times for a 4-year program or 5 times for a 5-year program. Therefore, you MUST apply and submit a loan application EVERY YEAR for the course duration regardless of whether the previous application was successful or not.

Document Requirements for HELB Loan Application

  1. A copy of the Applicant’s national ID Card
  2. Copies of the parents’ National ID Cards/death certificate where the parent is deceased
  3. Copies of 3 guarantors’ National ID Card and their details (they should be already employed)
  4. A copy of the applicant’s university admission letter and KCSE result slip/certificate
  5. A copy of the applicant’s Bank ATM/Bank card (for Government sponsored students only)
  6. A copy of the applicant’s Smart Card from the institution
  7. One recent colored passport size photograph of the applicant.

How to Apply for a HELB Loan as a First Time Applicant:

  1. Visit our website www.helb.co.ke to access the Student Portal and click on “Create an Account” to register. Here, provide your ID number, and first name as on ID and choose if you’re Kenyan or alien and validate the same against their database to create the account.
Creating a New Account With HELB
  1. Confirm your email address and phone number to gain access with the password entered in step above after validation.
  2. Once the account is created, log in and select the appropriate Undergraduate First Time Loan Application Form [LAF].
  3. Read the literature or view the videos on Financial Literacy and participate in the brief exercise online. The HELB financial literacy campaign in year of study is MANDATORY. It allows you to take a financial literacy assessment which is a multiple-choice question and answer segment.
  4. Access and fill the loan application form. Fill your profile on the portal with your details. Personal details like Name, ID number, KRA PIN, Date of Birth, Religion, Telephone Number, Gender, Marital Status and indication whether employed, both Postal and physical address showing County, Constituency, and Ward. Upload your photo too. Other details required are: education, university name, parents’ details, family expenses, guarantors, and bank details. Fill this form COMPLETELY and ACCURATELY.
  5. After correctly filling the form, go to home page and click icon indicated “Print Form” to print TWO copies of the duly filled Loan Application. Form [MANDATORY]
  6. Have the forms appropriately filled, signed, and stamped by the relevant authorities.
  7. Attach all the documents as per the checklist and present one copy of the duly filled Loan Application Form at:
    • Any of the following Huduma Centers nearest to you: Bomet, Bungoma, Chuka, Eldoret, Embu, Garissa, Nairobi GPO, Kakamega, Kericho, Kilifi, Kisii, Kisumu, Kitale, Kitui, Lodwar, Machakos, Makueni, Meru, Migori, Mombasa, Murang’a, Nakuru, Nandi Narok, Nyeri, Taita Taveta, Thika and West Pokot for free and secure delivery; or
    • HELB Student Service Centre on Mezzanine 1, Anniversary Towers, University Way, Nairobi
  8. RETAIN a complete copy of the Loan Application Form [THIS IS MANDATORY]


  1. Please ensure that you read, understand, and follow the instructions provided at the beginning of the online loan application process including reading and undertaking the HELB Financial Literacy Program.
  2. It is recommended that students prudently manage their HELB loans once disbursed to cater for Tuition, books, stationery, accommodation, and subsistence.

Loan Award

The maximum Undergraduate loan awarded is Kshs. 60,000 and the minimum is Kshs. 35,000. For the students placed by Kenya University and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS), the loan amount is split to cater for both Tuition fee and Upkeep. A standard amount of Kshs. 4,000 for Government sponsored students only is deducted from the loan awarded and disbursed to the university per semester, for tuition [Total Kshs. 8,000] and the rest is sent to the applicant’s bank account as upkeep.

For the Self sponsored students, all the money is sent directly to the university once a year as tuition fees.

An Administrative Fee of Kshs. 500 per year is charged on the loan awarded and it is therefore deducted from the disbursed loan. A limited number of needy government-sponsored students receive a bursary of between Kshs. 4, 000 and Kshs. 8,000 per year. The Bursary is paid to the university as tuition.

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