Where is the Kenyan birth certificate number located
A birth certificate is a document issued to a person as the first method of identification before national ID card acquisition. The certficate is essential and one must have this document. It helps in accessing education, visa, passports and other important government and non-governmental services. It is mostly hard to locate your birth certificate number if you are acquiring the document for the first time. The following details will help you on how to identify your birth certificate number easily and how to use it.
How to check birth certificate number in Kenya
i. Navigate to the "Entry Number" on the certificate.
Entry number on your birth certificate is located on the first row and first column of the table that contains your details.
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ii. Identify the certificate number.
The birth certificate number is also called the "Entry Number". Therefore, how do you locate the birth certificate number? It is an alphanumeric number that is marked against the "Entry No." In our scenario, we have concealed the birth certificate number due to confidential reasons but it should be seen in your document.
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My birth certificate number in Kenya
The birth certificate number format contains numerical digits. I'm pretty sure you will no longer fumble when looking for a birth certificate number or any other related issue having gone through this guide.
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Need to verify a birth certificate is genuine. Pls assist urgently
How do I check myBirth entry number on my ID
Good morning all,kindly last year am lost my birth certificate and i don’t no the number of birth ID no.32996123 kindly assist me with number.
Im looking my pasport still loading four month still loading why
Thanks for your help
I am looking for my birth certificate